FOR MONDAY, December 2, 2024, at 7:00pm
Bogata Community Center, 206 2nd NW St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
Vl. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of previous meetings minutes.
A. Call for local elections in May 2025
B. Discuss/Consider letter from Count Judge Bridges to enter a contract with Red River County for dispatching services.
C. Resolution authorizing the City of Bogata to submit TxCDBG Grant program application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for Community Development.
D. Options for repair/relocation of restrooms at Thomas Park.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144{c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also
notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on November 27, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
November 4, 2024, at 7:00pm
Bogata Community Center, 206 2nd NW St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 1O minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of previous meetings minutes.
A Review and implementation of proposed pay scale for all City of Bogata Employees.
B. Selection of engineering firm for the 2025-2026 TxCDBG grant project.
C. Condemning of structure at 510 S. Howison St.
D. Review and acceptance of bids to repair the awning at the Bogata Library and Museum.
E. Discussion and nomination to replace Kim Ross on the Red River Appraisal district board of directors with John Hudgeons.
F. Review/Discuss/Approve the Procurement Policy
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on November 1, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
AGENDA FOR MONDAY, October 7, 2024, AT 7:00 P.M.
Bogata Community Center, 206 2nd NW St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Discussion and action on trash vendor services.
8. Discussion and action on need to increase the monthly trash fees to $20.00 beginning November1, 2024
C. Approval of proposal for TxCDBG Administrative Services appointment, by the Selection committee, to be awarded to KBB Consulting, LLC.
D. New health coverage for employees from TXH (Texas health), a network of BCBS, through TML.
E. Contingent fee contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP pursuant to Section 6.30 of the Texas Property Tax Code, said contract being for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to City of Bogata and notice of said contract is posted with the agenda in accordance with Section 2254 of the Government Code.
F. Resolution #100724, termination of the current interlocal agreement the Red River Cad.
G. Approval of a new interlocal Agreement with the Red River Cad.
H. Discussion and action of purchase of a used low-milage truck to replace the old failing truck in the public works department.
I. Discussion of employee raises.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on October 4, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
WHEREAS, the City of Bogata ("City"), will consider entering into a contingent fee contract with the law firm of Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott, L.L.P. ("Firm") and hereby posts this notice pursuant to Sec. 2254.1036 of the Government Code.
WHEREAS, this notice shall be posted before or at the time of giving the written notice required by Government Code Sec. 551.041 for a meeting described by Sec. 2254.1036(a)(2) of the Government Code and shall announce the following:
A. The City pursuing a contract with the Firm for the collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes owed to the City and through this contract the City seeks to increase recovery of its delinquent debts in as expeditious a manner as possible. GOVT. CODE§ 2254.1036(a)(l)(A).
B. The City believes the Firm has the competency, qualifications, and experience necessary to fulfill this contract. GOVT. CODE § 2254.1036(a)(l)(B). The Firm has collected delinquent government receivables for 52 years, including the collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes. The Firm currently has 15 primary offices and multiple satellite offices throughout Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. It employs more than 400 individuals, including over 60 attorneys. It uses a multi office, fully integrated team approach allowing the City access to all its offices and resources. Its collection team consists of long-term Firm employees, including attorneys, call center associates, paralegals, law clerks, legal secretaries, collection support personnel and information technology experts. The Firm utilizes proprietary collection software that can be tailored to meet any special need the City may have. This proprietary software also automates many aspects of the collection process, such as: account/debtor research, mailings and phone calls, return mail and address updates, payment notification and processing and workflow.
C. The nature of any relationship between the City and the Firm is as follows. GOVT. CODE § 2254.1036(a)(l)(C).
The Firm has no current relationship with City of Bogata.
D. The City is unable to collect its delinquent ad valorem taxes. GOVT. CODE § 2254.1036(a)(l)(D). The City currently does not have adequate support staff, computer software/programming, or experience to internally conduct these collection services and acquiring these will result in substantial expense to the City.
E. These collection services cannot be provided for an hourly fee. GOVT. CODE §_ 2254.1036(a)(l)(E). The Tax Code allows the assessment of a percentage-based fee to recover the costs of collecting delinquent ad valorem taxes. This percentage-based fee is assessed only against the debtor and not the City or taxpayers of the City. The collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes is a high-volume practice, requiring a significant amount of research, mailing, and handling of outbound/inbound calls. An hourly fee for such work will likely exceed amount of delinquent ad valorem taxes due. Moreover, the City will bear the cost of these hourly fees and not the debtor,
because the Tax Code does not expressly authorize the City to pay for collection services based on an hourly fee.
F. The City believes this contingent fee contract is in its best interest. GOVT. CODE § 2254.1036(a)(l)(F). Under the contingent fee contract, the Firm will be paid the amount of the percentage-based collection fee, regardless the number of hours the Firm spends researching, contacting and mailing to collect the delinquent debt. Additionally, the percentage-based collection penalty is a pass-through expense to the debtor and not an expense to the City or taxpayers in the City.
AGENDA FOR MONDAY, September 23, 2024 AT6:30 P.M.
Bogata Community Center, 206 2nd NW St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 1O minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Approval of 2023/2024 budget amendments
B. Approval of 2024/2025 proposed budget.
C. Approval of lease options for Bogata Police Department patrol vehicles.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on September 20, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary

AGENDA FOR MONDAY, September 9, 2024
Bogata Community Center, 206 2nd NW St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of previous meetings minutes.
1. Fielder Collins & Mott Attorneys at Law- Delinquent Tax Collections Passed
Patric Woods and Patrick McArthur has contracted with Rivercrest ISD and the City of Talco to search for and collect delinquent taxes for the respective tax entities. They would like to enter into a contract with the City of Bogata as well. This is at no cost to the city.
2. Preparation for 2024-2025 working budget review and edits. Information Only
A. Workshop- Sept. 12th at City Hall, 5:30 pm to file with city secretary.
B. Workshop- Sept. 16th at City Hall, 5:30pm if needed.
3. Property Tax Rate for 2024-2025. NO-NEW REVENUE; Tax Rate per $100 remain at 0.49999
4, BID approval for water tower and tanks inspection- Conser Engineers- US Underwater Commercial Divers. Yearly occurrence by this vendor to meet TCEQ requirements. Passed
5. Trash fees need to go up to $20.00/month due to 5.77% increase from Sanitation Solutions. The last increase was January 2022. The current rate is $17.50 per month. Tabled
6. Mobil Home application from Theodore Czajka to be placed at 706 Clarksville St. Approved
7. Discuss/Action on appointments to Crime Board per Local Government Code 363.1015. (a)
appoint the Governing Body (Council) as a whole to be Directors of the Crime Control Board, or
(b) Each member of the Governing Body (Council) appoints an individual to serve as Director of the Crime Board, and (c) If subsection (b) is selected in order to appoint the Directors of the Crime Board, the selected members serve at the pleasure of the Governing Body (Council) and terms of service match the same term as the Council member who appointed that Director.
NOTE: Six {6) appointments will have to be considered as we begin the new fiscal year. Passed
8. Decision on date and time for the annual Bogata Trunk of Treats. Passed (Nov. 26th; 5:00-8:00pm)
9. Vote for TML Region 15 Director. Submitted
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on September 6, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary

2024 - 2025 Budget Public Hearing
City of Bogata 2023 -24 Budget Revenue OVER / UNDER 2024-2025
ACTUAL FY 2023 - 24 Budget
3000 TAX REVENUE 42,968.00 236971 5,997 268,323
3010 PENALTY & INT-TAXES 3000 3,000
3080 PERMITS 500 750 3081 Franchise tax cable 36 36 3082 franchise tax phone 5316 1,800
3083 franchise tax electric 16494 20,200 3084 franchise tax gas 13580 15,000 3085 wifi fee 9264 9,000 3090 MUN COURT REVENUE 25,532.00 10000 15,532 125,000 3093 BUILDING SECURITY FEE 0.00 200 0
3095 COURT TECHNOLOGY 200 4,000
3100 1% SALES TAX 117,811.00 110370 7,441 80,000 3110 INTEREST INCOME 865 865
3130 PW INTERGOVERNMENTAL 19066 32,991
3131 BOGATA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP 125000 43,416 3175 FACILITY RENTALS 8,415.00 3500 10,000
3400 WATER METERS 200000 212,000 3402 SEWER 80000 80,000 3404 WATER LATE FEES 16000 19,200 3406 WATER LOAN 61000 63,000 3420 TAP FEES 5000 5,000 3460 TRIP/TRANSFER/COLLECTION FEE 500 100 3465 NSF FEES 250 70
3500 TRASH COLLECTIONS 100000 126,500 3510 FIRE COLLECTION 3000 1,000 3905 DISCONNECT FEES 2000 2,000 3906 RECONNECT FEES 2000 2,000 3907 WATER DEPOSITS 12000 12,000 3908 WATER PROCESS FEE 3000 3,000 3909 PARK FUND 0 7,500 3910 LANDLORD TURN ON 200 100 Total Income: 1,084,859 1,247,851 EXPENSES: EXPENSES: OVER / UNDER EXPENSES:
Subtotal: (53,750)
4121 FICA & SS/CITY (21000) (21,000) 4122 MEDICARE CITY (4650) (4,650) 4124 RETIREMENT CITY (900) (900)
4126 TX WORKFORCE COMM (4200) (4,200)
4127 CHRISTMAS BONUS (1000) (1,000)
4211 WEX GAS CARDS (20000) (20,000) 4212 PW OIL 7 GAS (500) (9500) 4215 PW DIESEL (500) (1,500) 4221 PW POSTAGE 4,970.00 5600 630 5,600 4222 ADVERTISEMENT 1,482.00 3500 2,018 2,500 4223-10 WEBSITE 519.00 1000 481 1,000 4225-10 IT EXPENSE 14,176.00 12000 2,776 10,000 4226-10 ELECTION SUPPLIES 3,514.00 4000 486 4,000 4230 CHEMICALS 4893.00 5500 607 5,000 4240-10 ADMIN SUPPLIES 4,652.00 2500 2,152 5,000 4240-14 STREET SUPPLIES 2,994.00 3000 6 3,000 4240-15 FIRE SUPPLIES 0.00 1000 1,000 500 4241 WATER METERS 1487.00 1500 13 1,500 4243-14 GRAVEL-SAND-ROAD OIL 10000.00 10000 0 10,000 4250-10 PARK EXPENSE 0 1500 0 3,500 4252-10 LIBRARY EXPENSE 0 2500 0 2,500 4255-10 ANIMAL CONTROL 569.00 1000 431 1,000 4261 PW UNIFORMS 1000.00 1000 0 1,000 4301 LAB FEES 11,232.00 12000 768 12,000 4311 VEHICLE MAINT 2,175.00 3500 1,325 3,000 4311-15 FIRE VEHICLE MAINT 2,948.00 3000 52 3,000 4312 HEAVY EQUIP MAINT 22,000.00 22000 0 20,000 4316-10 JANITOR ADMIN 200.00 700 500 700
4317 OTHER EQUIPT MAINT 2,500.00 2500 0 2,000
4319 WATER TANK MAINT 3,180.00 3500 320 3,500
4321 SEWER PLANT MAINT 1500.00 1500 0 1,500 4321-10 ADMIN-MAINT BLDG 762.00 1000 238 500
4321-15 FIRE HOUSE MAINT 0 1000 1,000 1,000 4332 WATER/SEWER LINE SUPPLIES 15,000.00 15000 0 10,000
4336 WELL REPAIR 3,000.00 3000 0 2,000
4337 LIFT STATION MAINT 2,000.00 2000 0 1,500 4351 CITY ELECTRIC 67,603.00 65000 2,603 70,000 4351-18 LAW-UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 0 0 0 0
4354 CITY UTILITY GAS 4,232.00 4500 268 4,500 4354-10 ADMIN-UTILITIES-GAS 0.00 0 0 0 4355 CITY LANDLINE 18,741.00 22000 3259 4,500 4357 CITY CELLULAR SERVICE 4,369.00 5500 1131 5,500 4359 TML RISK POOL 46,500.00 46500 0 46,500 4360 ADMIN BOND 928 800 128 1,000 4361-11 MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY 17,419.00 7500 9919 15,000 4362 CITY AUDIT 0 25000 25000 25,000 4363 STATE TAX COLLECTION TRASH 6,135.00 12000 5865 7,000 4367-11 MUN-COURT EXPENSE 6,000.00 3000 3000 8,000 4371 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 854,181.00 85,481 0 72,952 4372 AFLAC 0 0 0 0
4373-10 ADMIN-BONDS 0 0 0 0 4381 TCEQ 11345.00 10000 1,345 11,345 4381-11 COURT-DUES & SUBS 0.00 4000 4,000 0 4383-CITY TRAVEL & TRAINING 8,000.00 3500 4,500 8,000 4383-10 ADMIN-TRAVEL & TRAINING 0.00 500 500 0 4394-15 CITY FIRE CONTRIBUTIONS 2376 0 0 4400 PW EQUIPTMENT SAVINGS 0.00 0 0 7,500 4400-10 GEN-INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 0 0 0 4400-14 PW-INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 0 0 0 4405-15 FIRE TRUCK 7,500.00 7500 0 7,500 4410 PW CONTRACT LABOR 0.00 12000 12,000 5,000 4430 STREET REPAIRS 10,000.00 10000 0 10,000 4500-11 PAYROLL ALL CITY 469,524.00 472000 2,476 500,000 4510-10 DRUG TESTS 270.00 200 70 300 4518-12 SANITATION SOLUTIONS 83,335.00 75500 7,835 85,000 4519 FACILITY RENTAL REFUND 5,100.00 3500 1,600 5,500 4526-15 FIRE TRUCK COLLECTION 960 3250 2,290 1,000
530 WATER LOAN 63,000.00 63000 0 63,000
4531 WATER LOAN XTRA PRINCIPAL 10,200.00 10200 0 0
6560 ADP EXPENSES 1,245 3500 2,255 2,236 OVER / UNDER 35,858 / 68,849
FY 2023 / 2024 under budget 32,991
2024 - 2025 PD BUDGET 6569 OFFICE COSTS
6570 Building Maintenance 100 1,200 6571 Gas 80 960 6572 Electric 150 1,800 6573 Water n/a 0 6574 Internet/Telephone 165 0 6575 Computers/Technology 100 1,200 6576 Office Supplies 100 1,000 6577 VEHICLE COSTS
6578 Fuel 1200 0
6579 Repair/Maintenance 750 10,000 6580 Equipment 200 3,600 6581 Payments 504.29 0 Replacement Vehicle Fund 0 24,000 6582 EQUIPMENT 6583 Individual Officer 300 2,400 6584 PD 300 3,600 6585 TRAINING 6586 Tuition 200 0 6587 Travel/Per Diem 200 0 6588 SUBSCRIPTIONS 6589 Radar 90 0 6590 RMS-Copsync 250 3,000 6591 Petty Cash Fund (Misc Expense) 500 * 2,000 PD SUBTOTAL 27,946 PD SUB 54,760 Total Expenses 1,028,372 1,245,393 Net Surplus 84,487.00 CURRENT UNDER NET SURPLUS UNDER IRS FINAL PAY 33,255.19 2,458 51,231.81 $32,991.00
Approved 9/23/2024
Bogata City Council Workshop Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 30, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Bogata City Hall ---128 N Main Street
This notice is posted pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Notice hereby given that the City Council of the City of Bogata, Texas will conduct a Called meeting and Workshop on August 30, 2024, 5: 30p.m, at 128 N Main Street (Bogata City Hall).
a. Discussion: 2025 Budget workshop discussion
Attendance by other Elected or Appointed Officials - NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members if City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum if the city boards, commission and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice of a meeting of the other boards, commissions and/or committees of the City, whose members may be in attendance. The members of the boards, commissions, and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Public is invited if they want to attend.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on August 27,2024 at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to City's website,, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor LaTisha Miles, City Secretary
August 19, 2024, 6:30 PM Bogata City Hall,
128 N Main St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
A. Awarding of Administration contract for the TDA community development home grant construction.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on August 15, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor LaTisha Miles, City Secretary
August 5, 2024
Bogata Community Center
206 2nd NW St, Bogata, Tx 75417

IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of previous meetings minutes.
A. Fielder Collins& Matt LLP/Attorneys at Law reference delinquent tax collection.
Patric Woods and Patrick McArthur have contracted with Rivercrest ISO and the City of Talco to search for and collect delinquent property taxes for the respective tax entities. They would like to enter into a contract with the City of Bogata as well.
B. Traylor & Associates, Inc. have been selected to provide administrative and planning services for the Resilient Communities Program funding through the GLO. Resolution 80524 is submitted for approval.
C. Schedule for the September Council meeting will need to be changed to September 9, 2024, due to conflict with Labor Day on September 2, 2024.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
A Discussion with City Attorney related to commercial information from a business prospect and property annexation for economic development.
B. Discussion of citizen complaint regarding city officials and their obligations. Breach of statutory duty
regarding councilman Dakota Ross, and possible statutory penalty and/or imposition of fines.
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on August 2, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, https://cityofbogata.comin compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
July 1, 2024, Bogata Community Center,
206 2nd NW St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of previous meetings minutes.
A. Purchase of a new sound system for council meetings.
B. Individual council members accessing city attorney for information.
C. Sheana Johnson resignation to pursue an opportunity with C.A.S.A.
D. Request of Red River County Appraisal District for budget amendments to unexpected expenditures within the county. The Appraisal District is asking each entity to help cover those cost. The calculated share for the City of Bogata will be $2253.36.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The city does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on June 28, 2024 at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. (Due to the internet system being down the posting of this agenda to the website could not be done until Monday, July 1, 2024.)
Lany Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
Bogata Community Center, 206 2nd St. NW, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Budget amendment for funding of the Bogata Police Department.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission, or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on May 21, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor LaTisha Miles, City Secretary
Bogata Community Center-201 NW 2nd Street 7:00 p.m.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
A. Budget amendment for funding of the Bogata Police Department.
VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on May 16, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
Bogata City Council
Special Emergency Meeting
05/16/2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Bogata City Hall
128 N Main
Bogata, Texas 75417
I. Call To Order:
II. Invocation:
III. Establish Quorum:
IV. Public Comments:
Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three (3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss nor respond to non-agenda presentations. All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting. Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. City Council Comments:
a. None
VI. Consent Agenda:
a. None
VII. Department Reports:
a. None
VIII. New Business:
a. Discuss the immediate need to purchase a vehicle for the Police Department.
1. Due to a recent weather event two of our PD patrol units have been totaled and are not suited for use. A concern for our ability to provide safety and security for our citizens and businesses is of primary importance.
2. Funding for this need is available due to the maturing of CDs.
IX. Executive Session:
The city does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations)
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission, or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on May 16, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor LaTisha Miles, City Secretary
Public Announcement
2024 Local Election Canvassing Meeting
May 8, 2024
A public meeting for the purpose of certifying the recent election results will be conducted on May 13, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon, at the Bogata City Hall. The Texas Election Codes require that at least two members of the governing body of the city, who are not on the ballot for election, attend and assist with the canvassing of the ballots. Each ballot has to be counted and results tabulated in order to certify the election results. This process is done during an open meeting of the Canvassing Committee.
The swearing in of the recently elected city council members to serve a two-year term can begin after the canvassing is completed.
Those that would like to be sworn in as members of the City Council can do so after 1:00p.m. on May 13th. Those who can be available on that date and time are encouraged to come by the City Hall any time between 1:00 – 5:00p.m. The listed election winners are reminded that you have no more than 30 days to complete the swearing-in process. Your seat will be declared vacant if you fail to complete this process.
Those new or returning members are:
Cecil (Tex) Loftin - incumbent
Keith Perry – incumbent
Teresa Allison – newly elected
Dakota Ross – newly elected
Congratulations to these four public servants, as they begin or continue to serve the citizens of Bogata.
Larry Hinsley
Bogata Community Center
206 2nd St NW, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
A.) Patty Haney- Lots of Love Market.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
6. Approval of previous meetings minutes.
A. Bogata Police Department 2024 pay scale.
B. Agreement with KSA Engineering for hourly services.
C. "Exposition Texas" Spotlight City, TV, Facebook, and YouTube segment invitation.
D. Eclipse Watch Party at Thomas Park, April 8, 2024, to begin at 12:30 pm and end at 3:15pm. The community and visitors are invited to attend to watch the eclipse and witness a once in a lifetime totality. Bring chairs, snacks, and family and enjoy a community picnic. Song writer and entertainer Gary Patrick will perform starting at 1:00 pm and break at 1:30pm just prior to the
totality, then start a 2nd session around 2:00pm until 3:00pm
The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on March 29, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
AGENDA FOR MONDAY, March 4, 2024
Bogata City Hall, 128 N Main St, Bogata, Tx 75417
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 1O minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA-All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will beenacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of previous meetings minutes.
A. Review of mobile home application submitted by Mauricio Arellano.
B. Proclaiming April as Fair Housing month in the City of Bogata
C. Request by Verlon Bontrager to supply water at 317 CR 1104.
D. Request by Kirk Whitlow to supply water at 300 CR 1440
E. Expansion of Bogata Food Pantry.
The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I herby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on February 29, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor
Latisha Miles, City Secretary
AGENDA FOR MONDAY, February 5, 2024
Bogata Community Center-201 NW 2nd Street 7:00 p.m.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned. Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three (3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA- All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of December minutes.
A. Approval of Kimberly Ross to serve at the Appraisal District on the Board of Directors.
B. Appointment of a representative to serve as a Director on the ATCOG board of Directors.
C. Discuss plans for the Total Eclipse Event on April 8, 2024. All business owners, property owners, and citizens are encouraged
to attend. Our area and county will see a huge impact on services and needs for this event.
D. Discussion of Texas Government Code Section 551.127 videoconferencing under the open meetings act.
E. Discussion on accepting bids for repair of the Police Department and removal of animals in the attic.
F. Discuss salary for Municipal Court Judge. (Executive Session)
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on February 2, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
AGENDA FOR Thursday, January 25, 2024
Bogata Community Center-201 NW 2nd Street 6:00 p.m.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three (3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers, threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting. Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE SS1.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
A. Performance review and discussion of Chief Bruton's contract. (Executive session)

VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on January 22, 2024, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
Bogata City Council Workshop Agenda
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
Bogata City Hall ---128 N Main Street
This notice is posted pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Notice hereby given that the City Council of the City of Bogata, Texas will conduct a Workshop on January 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at 128 N Main Street (Bogata City Hall).
Ill. Discussion:
a. Strategic plan for the Bogata Police Department.

Attendance by other Elected or Appointed Officials - NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members if City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum if the city boards, commission and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice of a meeting of the other boards, commissions and/or committees of the City, whose members may be in attendance. The members of the boards, commissions, and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting. but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission, or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Public is invited if they want to attend.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on January 12, 2024 at 12:00pm at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to City's website,, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Posted on January 12, 2024
Public Hearing Notice Total Eclipse Planning
The City of Bogata will hold a public hearing at 6:00p.m. on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at the Bogata Community Center regarding planning for the upcoming astrological event. Citizens unable to attend may submit their views to Mayor Larry Hinsley at Bogata City Hall 903-632- 5315.
Bogata Community Center-201 NW 2nd Street 7:00 p.m.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
A. Full Eclipse Event expected on April 8, 2024. Scheduling a public meeting for all interested parties to begin planning for the influx of people interested in viewing and experiencing an event of this magnitude.
B. Plans to begin the search for Grant funds to upgrade the Park will begin in January 2024.
C. Application for Grant Funds for street repair on the North side of the city will begin later in the 3rd or 4th quarter of 2024.
D. The truck stop and Sonic is expected to be complete by the end of January, barring any work stoppage events.
CONSENT AGENDA- All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
5. Mayors Report
B. Approval of December minutes.
A. Discussion and Renewal of Chief Br ton's contract- Executive session
B. Scheduling of Workshop to discuss implementation of long-term strategic plan for the Bogata Police Department.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act uppn each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I herby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on January 5, 2024 at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
Bogata Community Center-201 NW 2nd Street 7:00 p.m.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three.
(3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA- All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
B. Approval of October and November minutes.
A. Approval of edits to employee handbook.
B. Approval of edits to mayor's job description.
C. Approval of mayor's authority document from the city attorney.
D. Renewal of Chief Bruton's contract
E. Calling of election for May of 2024.
F. Possible annexation of property outside city limits that the city provides services for.
G. Accepting nomination of Tisha Miles to the Crime Control Board.
F. Purchase of patrol unit from Rivercrest ISO P.O. for $3500.00.
G. Discussion and possible implementation of the 2024 – 2026 Bogata Police Department strategic plan.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The city does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on November 27,2023 at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
MONDAY, November 6, 2023
Bogata Community Center-201 NW 2nd Street 7:00 p.m.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS- Members of the public may speak on an agenda item during the public forum section of the meeting or at the time the agenda item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Speakers are allowed three (3) minutes per speaker and the time cannot be saved, transferred, or assigned.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on non-agenda items may do so with a three (3) minute per speaker limit. Consistent with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council members cannot discuss not respond to non-agenda presentations.
All speakers are expected to maintain a proper decorum when presenting and while in Council chambers. Threats, personal insults, vulgar or profane language is out of order and may result in forfeiture of remaining time and possible removal from the meeting.
Citizens wishing to comment must make the request in writing and deliver the requests to the City Secretary 10 minutes prior to the meeting.
V. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS- Pursuant to TEX GOVT CODE 551.041S(b) the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interest and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas.
VI. CONSENT AGENDA- All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any council member on any item, that will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Department Reports:
1. Fire Department
2. Public Works Report
3. Police Report
4. City Financial
A. City Secretary and Court Clark- Tisha
B. PW Secretary and Code Enforcement- Sheana
C. Discussion of results from workshop on Mayor's authority.
(Meeting 10/12/2023 decision-continue the current level of management.)
Authority levels that need to be defined.
a. Day to day business operation within City Hall.
b. Management of city staff.
I. The council needs to define the authority of the "Chief Executive Officer".
II. Employment interviews and hiring.
ll. Termination-defined by Employee Handbook.
IV. Grievances-defined by Employee Handbook.
V. Discipline-defined by the Employee Handbook
IV. Financial duties/authority. (approved purchasing levels)
c. Can the Mayor negotiate with 3rd party entities?
d. Local Govt. Code 22.0171 defines "subordinate officers", that are approved by Council.
e. What does the phrase "inspect the conduct" mean within item (b) of Sec. 22.042, and Sec. 22.071 (other municipal officers) in the Local Govt. Code?
D. Replace the current siren head with a used head. (bucket truck and 2 men) $4,375.00
E. IRS notification for the receipt of payments and inquiry concerning money owed for interest and Penalty.
G. Compensation for public works when they are called out for less than one hour.
H. Accepting resignation of Angie Burgess from the Crime Control Board.
I. Accepting the nomination of Mychelle Holland to the Crime Control Board.
J. Accepting nomination of Teresa Allison as secretary of Crime Control Board.
IX EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City does not routinely list Executive Session items. This provision has been added to the agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX GOVT CODE 551.144(c). The council may vote and/or act upon each of the items set out in this agenda. In addition, the City Council of the City of Bogata has the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any matter authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Personnel Matters)551.076 (Deliberation regarding the deployment of security devices or the implementation of security policy; 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations).
Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials- NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also notice as meeting of other boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussion on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of City Hall on November 3, 2023, at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the city's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Larry Hinsley, Mayor Latisha Miles, City Secretary
Texas Addiction Treatment Division:
Contact Us:
PHONE 855-489-3619
NAME Laura Williams
Dear Bogata city Government,
I am Laura and I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Division On Addictions
Division On Addictions is an organization that helps vulnerable Texas residents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol locate proper treatment options. Alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible crises affecting all ages in our communities - from teenagers to senior citizens.
Finding treatment facilities that are able to understand the underlying causes of the addiction, and that are able to cure an individual so as to prevent any relapse, is often a very hard task. This is where we come in. We help those in greatest need to find addiction treatment options that are the best for each individual situation. Our services are 100% free.
Thank you very much in advance. I look forward to hearing from you. With gratitude,
Laura Williams
Nationwide listing of nearly 14,000 drug and alcohol rehabs across the U.S.
Updated: 04/13/2023
As a prosecutor with the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, I prosecuted cartel members responsible for shipping 30 metric tons of cocaine into the United States—in a single shipment, mind you. I often thought about concepts like supply and demand—who was doing this much cocaine?
I worked closely with federal agents from every agency. One day I was speaking with a 23-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). I cynically told him that the cartel members were “just meeting our demand as a nation,” his sharp retort came quickly:
“It’s our youth I worry about, Andrew, or the first-time user getting hooked on it and ruining their lives, or even dying. And besides, do you know how much of that cocaine is laced with heroin? A lot of it. And heroin kills, period. The clock is ticking.”
That conversation took place before fentanyl became a household name in this country. Now, the cartels have stepped up their game. By mass producing fake look-alike pills containing fentanyl, they are tricking people into becoming addicted to an opioid that is 50 times stronger than heroin. In fact, the DEA is pushing a Public Safety Alert as part of their One Pill Can Kill campaign, stating that 6 out of 10 fake pills seized by law enforcement in 2022 contained a lethal amount of fentanyl—an amount so small that it fits on the tip of a pencil.
These statistics are even more troubling when we consider that the DEA seized approximately sixty million—that’s 60,000,000—fake pills this past year. Just picture all the pills they were not able to seize.
Leading researchers are concerned about this latest trend spiraling out of control:
“An increase in illicit pills containing fentanyl points to a new and increasingly dangerous period in the United States,” said NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. “Pills are often taken or snorted by people who are more naïve to drug use, and who have lower tolerances. When a pill is contaminated with fentanyl, as is now often the case, poisoning can easily occur.”
The DEA’s Public Safety Alert states, in part:
“The Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion are making fentanyl and pressing it into fake pills. Fake pills are made to look like OxyContin®, Xanax®, Adderall®, and other pharmaceuticals. These fake pills contain no legitimate medicine … Fentanyl is also made in a rainbow of colors, so it looks like candy.”
See: for more information to protect you and your loved ones.
The pills come disguised as real medications—the type prescribed by our doctors. The likeness is so close that the fake pills are practically indistinguishable from the real prescription medications provided by physicians. The DEA has produced high-resolution pictures of the fake pills, side by side with the real ones so that people will have some idea of which are legitimate, and which contain deadly fentanyl.
In addition to fake opioid pills such as OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin, the fentanyl-laced fakes are also made to look like ADHD medications, such as Adderall and Ritalin. Some high school and college students get Adderall pills from friends or strangers, hoping to stay up later or stay more focused while cramming for exams or writing term papers. It should be noted that prescribed ADHD medication is rarely effective under these circumstances and does more harm than good.
Taking medication that isn’t prescribed for you by your physician is dangerous enough, akin to playing with fire. But knowing what we now know, taking fake look-alike pills laced with fentanyl, is akin to playing Russian Roulette. The cartels’ operations are so sophisticated that they can create nearly any fake look-alike medication they chose.
Cartels are creating pills that look almost identical to commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications, such as Xanax and Valium. And they’re easy to find—they’re actively being marketed and sold on social media platforms, places where our youth spend an abundance of time.
This attack on our citizenry is only going to get worse and will certainly add to the staggering 108,000 overdose deaths we have witnessed during just a 12-month period ending in 2022.
See: Drug Overdose Deaths Among Persons Aged 10–19 Years
Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose of opioids, such as heroin, Fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications. It comes in two easy-to-use forms—nasal spray and injectable—and does not require medical training. Many states are now providing NARCAN over the counter at pharmacies. If administered upon first seeing the signs of overdose (see examples below), it can restore normal breathing within 2 to 3 minutes. The medication itself is harmless, meaning if you suspect an overdose of opioids, administer it. If the person overdosed on the extremely potent opioid Fentanyl, two or more doses of NARCAN might have to be given.
For more information about NARCAN, or on obtaining NARCAN, please visit these websites:
If you or a loved one are at risk of unwittingly ingesting fentanyl, you must be familiar with the signs and symptoms of an overdose.
According to the DEA, Fentanyl use can cause:
If you or a loved one take pills and start to feel these symptoms, call 911 immediately. If you or someone nearby has NARCAN, administer the NARCAN immediately and call 911.
According to the DEA:
To learn more about the emojis used on social media, visit Emoji Drug Code Decoded at
Parenting can be difficult. We often compromise our loved ones’ safety because we want to be “their friends” or we wish to avoid “nagging” or starting an argument with our children. This is a mistake—the drug landscape has changed and taking action may be the difference between life and death.
*Parents and caregivers should consistently strive for the following:
*Adapted in part from the
According to the DEA and a host of other experts, our country—particularly our youth—are at grave risk from illegal drugs coming across our borders. Steady vigilance is the only chance we have to protect ourselves and our loved ones from a life of addiction—or even death—the numbers in recent years tell a story that does not lie.
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, it is imperative that you ask for help in the form of addiction treatment. People who have dedicated their lives to treating addiction can help you. The clock is indeed ticking, and every day that goes by without you taking action puts you squarely in the crosshairs of the greatest threat our nation has ever faced. There is hope. Ask for help.
The purpose of the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (“CEAP”) funded from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (“LIHEAP”) grant is to maintain an
energy supply to heat and cool the residences of eligible low-income clients.
The Energy Services provider, (or “Vendor,”) agrees to honor the purpose of the CEAP grant and to accept pledges of payment from CEAP agencies only for certified customers to whom Vendor continues to provide energy services. The Energy Assistance Provider, (or “Agency”,) agrees to make payments only for eligible low-income clients.
This vendor agreement is by and between
Community Services of Northeast Texas, Inc.
Energy Assistance Provider (Agency)
City of Bogata, Texas
Vendor and Agency agree to assist customers in the following Texas counties: Bowie, Cass, Camp, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Rains, Red River, and Titus
This agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of August 2021 for a period not to exceed two years from the effective date. Either party may terminate this agreement by written notice. Such written notice of termination shall not affect any obligation by either party incurred prior to the receipt of such notice. Notice shall be sent via certified mail with return receipt requested.
City of Bogata
P.O. Box 400
128 N Main
Bogata, Texas 75417
Community Services of Northeast Texas, Inc.
304 East Houston
P.O. Box 427
Linden, Texas 75563
The Agency named above represents and warrants to Vendor that it is a subrecipient of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) and as such is authorized and has received funding from the TDHCA to provide bill payment assistance service for eligible low-income households.
The Vendor named above represents and warrants that it will apply any payments received from Agency to the account of the customer that the Agency has determined to be eligible under the CEAP guidelines and such is a “Certified Customer”.
Vendor will, with reference to a Certified Customer:
• Extend the CEAP applicant’s energy service for up to five business days while the Agency determines whether the CEAP applicant is eligible pursuant to the CEAP guidelines.
• Upon accepting pledge from Agency for Certified Customer, continue or restore energy service to Certified Customer with no increases in charges, service charges or other charges affecting the total cost of the bill, except as allowed by the stated tariff cost registered with the Public Utility Commission “PUC” and/or Texas Railroad Commission.
• In the event the full past due balance is not paid by the Agency, the Certified Customer must pay the remaining balance on or before the disconnect date stated in the customer’s Disconnect Notice required by PUC regulations in order to avoid disconnection or be eligible for reconnection. Nothing in this agreement requires the Vendor to reconnect the customer upon receipt of a pledge that does not cover the full past due balance or if the customer has already been disconnected by the time the pledge is received by the Vendor.
• Invoice the Certified Customer in accordance with Vendor’s normal billing practices.
• Upon verbal or written request from Agency, provide at no cost to the Agency the Certified Customer’s billing and usage history for previous twelve months, or available history plus monthly estimates if less than twelve months of billing history and usage is available. Vendor will transmit such billing history via electronic mail or facsimile as soon as possible, but no later than forty-eight hours following the request.
• Work with Agency and Certified Customer to explore the feasibility of offering flexible payment arrangements that may include, without limitation, waiving security deposits,
reconnect fees, application fees, and all other fees whenever possible.
• Not discriminate against Certified Customer in price or services, including the availability of deferred payment plans, level or average payment plans, discount, budget, advance payment or other credit plans.
• Not refuse to provide energy service or otherwise discriminate in the marketing and provision of energy service to any Certified Customer because of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, lawful source of income, level of income, disability, financial status, location of customer in an economically distressed geographic area, or qualification for low-income or energy-efficiency services.
• Allow Agency forty-five days from the date of the pledge to forward payment to the vendor. Vendor agrees not to consider the portion of the Certified Customer’s account to be paid by the Agency delinquent if said payment is received within the above mentioned forty-five-day period and Vendor is provided with a verbal or signed pledge from the Agency within forty-five days of identifying a Certified Customer.
• Not interrupt service if Certified Customer is eligible under PUC regulations and enters into an agreement with the Vendor concerning how the Certified Customer will pay the balance owed Vendor and the Certified Customer is meeting the obligation under such agreement.
• If the Agency has paid for an initial deposit or similar refund instrument, upon the termination of service to the Certified Customer, the Vendor shall return funds including interest (after any balances owed) to the Agency in accordance with PUC regulations.
The Agency will:
• Obtain written permission for Agency to request and have access to customer information, including confidential or personal account information, credit and payment history, from customers seeking Agency’s assistance. Social Security numbers are not required for the CEAP program and may not be disclosed to Agency.
• Provide to Vendor, at Vendor’s request, customer’s written permission for Agency’s access to customer information as stated above.
• Not provide pledges on behalf of a Certified Customer to Vendor without having adequate funds to pay such pledge.
• Pay pledges within forty-five days of making pledge to Vendor.
• Determine if a customer is a Certified Customer within five days of contacting Vendor.
• Provide Vendor a list of names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of Agency staff designated to make pledges on behalf of the Agency and Certified Clients, if requested from Vendor.
The terms of any confidential transaction under this agreement or any other information exchanged by the Agency and Vendor relating to any transaction shall not be disclosed to any person not employed or retained by the Agency or Vendor, their affiliates, or brokers, except to the extent disclosure is 1) required by law; 2) necessary to disclose to the other party in connection with a dispute between the parties; 3) otherwise permitted by written consent of the other party; 4) required by guarantors to be disclosed; 5) information which must be disclosed to a third party to transmit energy; 6) to meet reliability council, regulatory, administrative, judicial, governmental, or regulated commodity exchange requirements where necessary; or 7) of information which was or is hereafter in the public domain (except by breach of this Agreement).
Authorized Vendor Signature Date
Larry Hinsley ___________________________________________Mayor
Typed Name of Authorized Signature Title
Vendor (Area Code) Telephone Number
Vendor Email Address
Authorized Agency Signature Date
Dan Boyd, CCAP NCRT Executive Director
Typed Name of Authorized Signature Title
903-756-5596 ext # 200
Agency (Area Code) Telephone Number
EDITED: 3/28/2023
January 2 – New Year’s Holiday – City Offices CLOSED
January 9 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
February 13 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
March 13 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
April 3 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
May 6 – City Elections and City-Wide Garage Sale
May – 8 - 9 City Wide Clean-up
May 15 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
May 29 – MEMORIAL DAY – City offices CLOSED.
June 5 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
June 22, 23, 24 - Bogata Rodeo
July 3 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
July 4 -INDEPENDENCE DAY – City offices CLOSED.
July 31 - Budget Workshop - 6:00 pm @ City Hall.
August 7 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
Aug 14 - Budget Workshop - 6:00 pm @ City Hall
Aug 21 – Budget Workshop – 6:00 pm @ City Hall
Aug 28 – Budget Workshop – 6:00 pm @ City Hall
September 4 – LABOR DAY – City offices CLOSED.
September 11 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
September 18 – Budget Workshop – 6:00 pm @ City Hall
September 25 – Public Hearing and Budget Adoption and filing 6:00 pm @ Com Center.
October 2 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
October 7 City-Wide Garage Sale
October 11 – 12 City-Wide Clean-up
November 6- City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
November 23 – Thanksgiving Holiday – City offices CLOSED.
December 4 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center
December 25 – 26 – Christmas Holiday – City offices CLOSED.