Larry Hinsley
Elected for Term May 2021 - May 2023
Mayor Larry Hinsley was elected to his first term in May 2021 and began his second term in May of 2023. He is a 1967 graduate of Rivercrest High School and holds an Associate's Degree from Paris Junior College and a Bachelor's Degree from West Texas State University in Canyon, Texas. He proudly served in the military as an Army, Medical Lab Technician, and achieved the rank of Specialist E5. Mayor Hinsley retired as a Medical Laboratory Director from Memorial Hospital in Lufkin, Texas in 2016, and returned to live and serve the citizens in Bogata in 2017. He began his civic duties in October of 2020 when he decided to seek a seat on the City Council.
(1 – 5 YEARS)
REVISED: 12/29/2021
REVISED: 02/21/2023
Nov 2020 – April 2021 (ProTem Responsibilities) May 2021 – Dec 2021 (Mayor Responsibilities)
1. City Council duties – Take charge of City Hall duties as ProTem. DONE
2. Care Grant approved and used. (Pandemic supplies: masks, hand sanitizer, upgrade of public area in City Hall, computer supplies for City Hall and funding to assist First Responders in PD). [$259,000] DONE
3. City Elections: Mayor, Seat 2, and Seat 4 – 2 year term and Seat 1, Seat 3, and Seat 5 - 1 year term. DONE
4. Review staffing needs / changes. DONE
5. Review policies and procedures for updates and changes. DONE
6. Review and edit Job Descriptions and SOP. DONE
7. Bonding of necessary City Staff. DONE
8. Assist the AZAM Bros. with Truck Stop / Sonic construction project. DONE
9. Internal Audit on finances: payroll, taxes, vendors. DONE
10. Acquiring Audit firm for yearly audits. IN PROCESS - CANCELED
11. Review and set up Vendors for City Services. DONE
12. Restart Municipal Court: Hire new Judge. DONE
13. Set up subcommittees for Budget, Infrastructure and Ordinance Review. DONE
14. Review Website and edit; bring the Website up to date as related to Agendas and Minutes. BEING UPDATED
15. Review and edit Employee Handbook. DONE
16. Review and edit City equipment, vehicle, and machinery inventory. DONE
17. Work on GIS System for mapping sewer and water lines, water meters, etc. move to 2023
18. Plan for access and secured area for water tower control equipment; impound lot and trash dumpster area. DONE
19. CDBG grant money for road improvements in City to begin in 2022. APPROVED / Delayed to Jan 2023. DONE
20. American Recovery Act grant money for infrastructure improvements and digital water meters for the city in cooperation with BEDC (Bogata Economic Development Corporation). FUNDS MOVED TO BEDC ACCOUNT DONE
Jan 2022 – Jun 2022
1. Continue certification process for appropriate City staff. DONE
2. Agreement with ADP to manage City Payroll, Time Keeping and IRS tax reporting. DONE
3. AZAM project extended until June 2022. Work to start in JUN. 2022. DELAYED until Jan 2023. DONE
4. Complete Trucking Awesome boring for water line to house. DONE
5. Complete secured area for water towers, impound lot and dumpster area. DONE
6. Sub-committee Workshop TBA (Review / restart / set new goals. CANCELED
7. Begin Thompson Park Project with new playground equipment and improvements. CANCELED
8. Plan Spring / Fall fund-raising events for Thompson Park upgrades. CANCELED
9. Complete mapping of meters, water and sewer lines. BEGUN / IN PROGRESS
10. Add 2 maintenance staff to City employees. Changed to 1.5 FTE. DONE
11. BEDC - purchase digital water meters for the city. Downtown area and North side of town first round (Mar – Jun) and south side of town second round (Jul – Oct). CANCELED
12. Add members to Board of Directors for BEDC and schedule quarterly meetings. IN PROCESS
13. Selected Road improvements to commence spring / summer months. (CDBG) PROCESS/DELAYED/COMPLETED In May 2023.
14. North side road repairs by City, as funds and supplies are available. BEGUN-As supplies are available.
15. Review and edit Emergency Management Plans. IN PROGRESS
16. Council to develop a plan for Code Enforcement strategy and hiring of official/officer. APPROVED / DONE
17. Develop the easement path to the North Water Tower. DONE
July 2022 – Dec 2022
1. BEDC develop strategy for downtown revitalization (business development, senior center, youth center, etc. and seek Franchise businesses that might be interested in locations in our area). STARTED
2. Infrastructure Projects. Rebuild platforms at the Wastewater facility, Materials for fencing around tower controls and dumpster area in November. (American Recovery Act $262,000) DONE
3. Code Enforcement official and plan started in December. DONE
4. Final approval of Street project to start in January. DONE
5. Final Plans approved for truck stop and sonic project. DONE
6. Restructure of Police Department. DONE
7. Infrastructure Projects. Set platforms in place at wastewater facility. DONE
8. Finish the fence at the Towers and Dumpster site. In progress. DONE
9. Complete the Street Project on the South side of Bogata. (CDBG Grant $350,000) DONE 5/30/2023.
10. Complete the Truck Stop / Sonic project at the 4-way. DONE
11. Continue Mapping of city sites with GIS system. in progress
12. Begin improvements in wastewater systems. DONE
13. Apply for CDBG Grant Funds for North Side Streets and Ditches. Initiated 3/30/23. Not approved for this round.
January 2023 – April 2023
1. Pond docks at the Wastewater plant have been rebuilt and ready to be placed on the ponds. DONE
2. New sewer pond monitoring instruments have been purchased for more accurate measurement of ammonia, oxygen, pH and chlorine levels. DONE
3. A free consultation visit, from the TRWA to assess our wastewater facility and procedures has been completed and has provided us with many resource options to improve our processed. DONE
4. In the last week of April and the first week of May it became necessary to remove 3 trees that threatened the safety of humans and playground equipment. So, they were removed by Taylor's Land Clearing. DONE
5. In June, due to storms in our area, much tree and limb damage occurred throughout the city and in the park. Rozell Tree Service was hired to remove the damaged trees inside of the park.
July – Dec 2023
NOTE: As of July 31, 2023, through the leadership of the Mayor and City Council, $871,000 of additional revenue has been acquired for city project funding through Grants for streets (completed), Cares Act during Covid (completed), and American Rescue Act for infrastructure needs (completed). Due to the acquisition of these funds, most if not all of the projects of the past 3 years have been used to identify and complete the projects listed above.
NOTE: In the October 2nd meeting the Council approved a motion to provide employee Medical Insurance for the city staff. This is a huge benefit for our employees and will help to acquire quality personnel and help to stabilize retention issues for employees of Bogata. DONE
Jan 2024 – Dec 2024
1. Infrastructure Projects:
a. Wastewater Plant upgrade - Pumps and motors are 40 years old and in need of repair or replacement, and pump lines to the pumps in the wet tanks need replacing. KSA has arranged for AAA Sanitation to do the work at the Wastewater Plant beginning in the first week of May. DONE
b. The City of Bogata is seeking a $300,000 Infrastructure Planning Grant to focus on needs within the city, with the help of KSA Engineering. TRAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. out of Tyler, Tx. has been selected as Grant Administrators over the Grant at the July 1, 2024, Council Meeting. Next steps (planning and study needs) to begin soon. (Pending)
c. KSA is also assisting the city to find meaningful Grants for the Thomas Park improvements. (TBA)
d. In the last quarter of 2024, the city will be seeking approval for another CDBG Grant for the streets and side roads for the north side of town. We were not approved for the Grant in March of last year because we had just finished the previous street project. Our chances of being approved for it this year is much better. If everything goes well, we can hope to see that work begin in 2025 - 2026. (APPLICATION OPENING IN THE FALL, 2024)
2. Ordinance review, editing and renewal is underway by the Ordinance Committee. The committee, city attorney and the Council will collaborate to rescind old/outdated ordinances and update or create new ones. (July 1, 2024) Final review and edits are underway. 7/30/2024.
Jan 2025 – Dec 2025
1. Infrastructure Projects:
a. (North-side Road improvements upon approval of Grant application). PENDING
Mayor - Monthly Report 1/8/2024
a. 2023 Christmas Parade (Dec. 6th) was very good. More than 50 floats and entries.
Many visitors, several vendors and lots of hot chocolate made it a special event.
Thanks to the Cuthand Church for hosting the event, as well as other churches and individuals who helped make this year’s parade a huge success.
b. Received notification from TCEQ that all the concerns from the 2022 inspection have been satisfactorily addressed.
c. Wastewater system is being checked for possible flow pipe issues. The system loses its prime and does not always pump properly. Pipes have been in place since the 1980s and may need replacing. Our engineers have been contacted to assist in the resolution of any issues.
d. The COLA adjustment to salaries for 2024 will be 3.2%. These were factored into the new budget.
e. The old siren in the city is scheduled for maintenance and repair during the second week of January.
f. Preparations are beginning for the Total Eclipse event on April 8, 2024. There is potential for mass gatherings in our area for this event. Plans for a planning meeting will be announced very soon for all interested parties.
Larry Hinsley
Mayor's Monthly Report
February 2024
1. The first meeting on Jan. 20, 2024, Total Eclipse Event was not well attended by citizens or Council members. Keith Perry was the only Council member present along with 2 staff members of the Clarksville Times. There were some good discussions about the likelihood of a large event not only in Bogata, but in every city around us. Another meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, Feb. 5th at the Council Meeting.
2. The opening of the new Truck Stop and Sonic has been pushed back to the end of February barring any further delays.
3. Bids are being sought for work needed at the wastewater plant. The pump system needs some preventive maintenance to ensure proper flow to the ponds.
4. A two-year contract has been approved with the Bogata Police Chief.
Larry Hinsley
Mayor's Monthly Report
March 4, 2024•
1. Several Meetings with Contractors at the truck Stop/ Sonic project. Working on Final stages.
2. Home Grant Program has completed 2 houses and families have taken possession of the property.
3. Held 2 public meetings regarding the April 8th Total Eclipse event and began planning for large numbers of visitors to our area. We are needing businesses, organizations and individuals to notify the City Hall about their plans and/or events.
4. Attended an area OEM (Emergency Management meeting in Clarksville regarding the Eclipse event.
5. Attended a meeting of the ATCOG and NETEDD Directors regarding Grant Planning, Hazard mitigation and the new Edge Portal training (Grants Online Migration).
Larry Hinsley, Mayor
Monthly Mayor Report - April 2024

1. Preparations for the Total Eclipse Event went well and the participation across was very good. There were food and drink for all and good crowd of folk at the Watch Party on April 8th• There were many good comments about the people in Bogata and the preparations for the event. There were no serious issues or problems reported.
2. With the assistance of KSA Engineering, AAA Sanitations have been enlisted to help us with the pumping issues at the Wastewater plant. These pumps and pump lines are more than 35 years old and place significant stress on the system. These pumps have to be monitored and pampered more frequently than in the past. More man-hours and costs are needed to keep the system operating within expectations. One pump has been ordered and preventative maintenance is needed on the other two pumps. The work is under way now.
3. As of April 29th, the new truckstop and sonic are finally open for business. There is still work going on around the property, but things appear to be going well.
4. The work needed at the Food Pantry is underway and may be completed by the time of this report.
5. The city is starting to work on application for an RCP (Resilient Communities Program) Grant through the GLO General Land Office. The Grant is designed to research and plan for the infrastructure needs of the community. There will be no matching required by the $300,000 Grant.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hinsley
Mayor's Monthly Report
May 2024
1. The work at the sewer plant is completed. Some of this work required preparations for personnel to enter confined spaces to make repairs to pipes and cleaning after years of waste collection. By-pass pumping had to be employed to drain the wet tanks and reroute the usual flow of waste to the ponds. Sludge and dirt had to be removed from the tanks. Repairs and replacement of broken or worn pumps, flaps, pipes, and a 12-inch valve was required. Thanks to KSA Engineering and AM Sanitations for their efforts in helping restore the complete functionality of our waste system.
2. Efforts to complete the application process for the RCP (Resilient Community Program) is on-going and hope to be completed sometime in June.
3. The weather siren that malfunctioned during the April storms was repaired but failed to activate properly during a storm event. Efforts to fix that issue is underway. Discussions have begun as to how to upgrade the procedures and functionality of the system. The siren that goes off for the noon hour each day continues to function properly but has to be sounded manually if it is needed during a storm event. Review of procedures and solutions are being sought.
4. Approved work on the PD facility is starting in June. Additional activity around the facility will be on-going during this time.
5. Mowing season is here as well as the rainy season. Mosquito spraying will be starting within the next couple of weeks. Schools have closed for the summer, and everyone needs to be aware of the extra work and local activity when you are out traveling about in the community.
Respectfully submitted,

Larry Hinsley Mayor
Mayor's Monthly Report
June 2024
1. Building repairs and construction at the Police Department has been completed.
2. Repairs on the Weather siren is still pending. Circuit boards are needing necessary maintenance or repair. The system is old and components are hard to find. We will consider looking at the costs involved in replacement of the system. Meanwhile, the old siren that sounds at noon each day will be activated in case of emergency notifications.
3. Repair or replacement of the awning at the Library should get started during the month of July. It needs serious repair.
4. I have completed our SAM registration renewal clearing the way for Grant and accounting activities.
5. The selection committee has met to review applicants for the PW Secretary position. Princess Wills was selected to fill that position. She has bookkeeping experience with QuickBooks, managing experience with customer accounts and payment processing, experience with vendor management and deposits of funds, and inventory management. She has a BS Degree from Northeast Texas Community College and is certified as a Dental Assistant as well as experienced in Human Trafficking solutions for Texas Health Professionals and certified in CPR. She is bi-lingual with Spanish as a second language. Her work history is very good, and she comes with solid recommendations.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hinsley Mayor
Mayor's Monthly Report
July 2024
1. Weather Siren is still pending, but we are waiting for a response from the contractor for a replacement date. The circuit board has been rebuilt and I am waiting on the technician to bring it in.
2. A quote for the repair of the awning at the Library is pending, but I expect one very soon.
3. I want to introduce Princess Wills as our new Public Works Secretary. She brings some important skills to our office including QuickBooks, customer account management, payment processing, inventory management, among others, and she is bilingual which assists us with our communication with the Hispanic community.
4. We are seeking a relationship with Perdue Brandon Attorneys to assist with our delinquent tax collections which will help to get properties back on the tax roll and revenue back to the city.
5. We are beginning to work with Traylor & Associates to assist us with a Study Grant to address our needs within our infrastructure.
6. It appears that a new Mexican Restaurant/Cafe will be opening up in town very soon. Date announcement is pending.
7. The new Ordinance Rules will be finalized by the end of the year, if not before. The new language,
edits, and additions will give the city more enforceable and manageable rules within the city limits and ETJ.
Respectfully, submitted,
Larry Hinsley, Mayor
Mayor Monthly Report
August 2024
1. Repairs to the weather siren has been completed and tested. The volume and pitch is louder and better. We should be able to hear it much better.
2. Budget workshops are under way and a completed Budget will be ready to be filed with the City Secretary by September 12,2024, and an approval and Public Hearing by September 23, 2024.
3. The Community Resiliency Grant is still pending. We are gathering data to submit to the Administrators so we
can make application for the Grant.
4. Another meeting with Perdue Brandon Attorneys is scheduled for September. We are looking at them to help
with delinquent tax collection.
5. A new Mexican Restaurant will be opening up in September. It is located on 2nd Street SW.
6. A quote for the repairs to the library awning is still pending, but I expect it before the end of September.
7. The final payment to the IRS will be paid in September.
Respectfully Submitted
Larry Hinsley, Mayor
Mayor’s Monthly Report
September 2024
1. The 2024 / 2025 Budget for the City of Bogata has been completed and approved during a public meeting on 9/23/2024.
2. The final payment for money owed to the IRS has been made and our account is up to date.
3. Quotes for repairs to the library awning is still pending. We will seek other quotes.
4. Attorneys from Perdue Brandon presented their desire to assist the city with the collection of delinquent taxes. A contract will be discussed at our October Council meeting.
5. Our CPA accountant is helping us with our financial reports which should allow us to once again engage an auditor to bring the finances up to date.
6. Our selection committee has reviewed the proposals for the 2025 – 2026 CDBG projects and has selected KBB as the administrator. This selection will be presented to the Council for approval at the October meeting.
7. The new Mexican Restaurant on 2nd street is now open for business.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hinsley, Mayor
Mayor’s Monthly Report
October 2024
2. Met with a Grant Consultant and representatives of each city within Red River County to discuss steps to address needs in each city and how to access funding for those needs.
3. “Trunk or Treats” activity for Bogata was well attended. Thanks to all who participated and help organize the event.
4. Met with Mrs. Hollie Morris and the 2nd grade class at Rivercrest Elementary to discuss the Mayor’s job duties and answer concerns about their ideas for what is needed in their city. This was a wonderful experience and a great insight into the hearts and minds of future community leaders.
5. Planning and early operations for the widening of Hwy 271 from Paris to Hwy 37 is underway. Notifications have gone out to affected cities and areas that may impact businesses, traffic, infrastructure such as water/sewer lines, other road intersections, property and fences.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hinsley, Mayor
Mayor’s Monthly Report
November 2024
1. New Pay Scale was submitted and approved.
2. An Engineering company was selected for the TxCDBG funding project.
3. Discussions with KSA Engineers and KBB Consulting about the application process for TxCDBG funding for streets on the North side of town and other needs has begun.
4. Property at 510 S. Howison has been condemned.
5. A contractor has been selected for awning repairs at the Library.
6. A contractor has been selected to remove a tree at the entrance of the Park.
7. The Crime Control Board has assisted the PD with repairs to the swings at the Park.
Humbly submitted,
Larry Hinsley, Mayor
Texas Addiction Treatment Division:
Contact Us:
PHONE 855-489-3619
NAME Laura Williams
Dear Bogata city Government,
I am Laura and I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Division On Addictions
Division On Addictions is an organization that helps vulnerable Texas residents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol locate proper treatment options. Alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible crises affecting all ages in our communities - from teenagers to senior citizens.
Finding treatment facilities that are able to understand the underlying causes of the addiction, and that are able to cure an individual so as to prevent any relapse, is often a very hard task. This is where we come in. We help those in greatest need to find addiction treatment options that are the best for each individual situation. Our services are 100% free.
Thank you very much in advance. I look forward to hearing from you. With gratitude,
Laura Williams
Nationwide listing of nearly 14,000 drug and alcohol rehabs across the U.S.
Updated: 04/13/2023
As a prosecutor with the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, I prosecuted cartel members responsible for shipping 30 metric tons of cocaine into the United States—in a single shipment, mind you. I often thought about concepts like supply and demand—who was doing this much cocaine?
I worked closely with federal agents from every agency. One day I was speaking with a 23-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). I cynically told him that the cartel members were “just meeting our demand as a nation,” his sharp retort came quickly:
“It’s our youth I worry about, Andrew, or the first-time user getting hooked on it and ruining their lives, or even dying. And besides, do you know how much of that cocaine is laced with heroin? A lot of it. And heroin kills, period. The clock is ticking.”
That conversation took place before fentanyl became a household name in this country. Now, the cartels have stepped up their game. By mass producing fake look-alike pills containing fentanyl, they are tricking people into becoming addicted to an opioid that is 50 times stronger than heroin. In fact, the DEA is pushing a Public Safety Alert as part of their One Pill Can Kill campaign, stating that 6 out of 10 fake pills seized by law enforcement in 2022 contained a lethal amount of fentanyl—an amount so small that it fits on the tip of a pencil.
These statistics are even more troubling when we consider that the DEA seized approximately sixty million—that’s 60,000,000—fake pills this past year. Just picture all the pills they were not able to seize.
Leading researchers are concerned about this latest trend spiraling out of control:
“An increase in illicit pills containing fentanyl points to a new and increasingly dangerous period in the United States,” said NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. “Pills are often taken or snorted by people who are more naïve to drug use, and who have lower tolerances. When a pill is contaminated with fentanyl, as is now often the case, poisoning can easily occur.”
The DEA’s Public Safety Alert states, in part:
“The Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion are making fentanyl and pressing it into fake pills. Fake pills are made to look like OxyContin®, Xanax®, Adderall®, and other pharmaceuticals. These fake pills contain no legitimate medicine … Fentanyl is also made in a rainbow of colors, so it looks like candy.”
See: for more information to protect you and your loved ones.
The pills come disguised as real medications—the type prescribed by our doctors. The likeness is so close that the fake pills are practically indistinguishable from the real prescription medications provided by physicians. The DEA has produced high-resolution pictures of the fake pills, side by side with the real ones so that people will have some idea of which are legitimate, and which contain deadly fentanyl.
In addition to fake opioid pills such as OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin, the fentanyl-laced fakes are also made to look like ADHD medications, such as Adderall and Ritalin. Some high school and college students get Adderall pills from friends or strangers, hoping to stay up later or stay more focused while cramming for exams or writing term papers. It should be noted that prescribed ADHD medication is rarely effective under these circumstances and does more harm than good.
Taking medication that isn’t prescribed for you by your physician is dangerous enough, akin to playing with fire. But knowing what we now know, taking fake look-alike pills laced with fentanyl, is akin to playing Russian Roulette. The cartels’ operations are so sophisticated that they can create nearly any fake look-alike medication they chose.
Cartels are creating pills that look almost identical to commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications, such as Xanax and Valium. And they’re easy to find—they’re actively being marketed and sold on social media platforms, places where our youth spend an abundance of time.
This attack on our citizenry is only going to get worse and will certainly add to the staggering 108,000 overdose deaths we have witnessed during just a 12-month period ending in 2022.
See: Drug Overdose Deaths Among Persons Aged 10–19 Years
Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose of opioids, such as heroin, Fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications. It comes in two easy-to-use forms—nasal spray and injectable—and does not require medical training. Many states are now providing NARCAN over the counter at pharmacies. If administered upon first seeing the signs of overdose (see examples below), it can restore normal breathing within 2 to 3 minutes. The medication itself is harmless, meaning if you suspect an overdose of opioids, administer it. If the person overdosed on the extremely potent opioid Fentanyl, two or more doses of NARCAN might have to be given.
For more information about NARCAN, or on obtaining NARCAN, please visit these websites:
If you or a loved one are at risk of unwittingly ingesting fentanyl, you must be familiar with the signs and symptoms of an overdose.
According to the DEA, Fentanyl use can cause:
If you or a loved one take pills and start to feel these symptoms, call 911 immediately. If you or someone nearby has NARCAN, administer the NARCAN immediately and call 911.
According to the DEA:
To learn more about the emojis used on social media, visit Emoji Drug Code Decoded at
Parenting can be difficult. We often compromise our loved ones’ safety because we want to be “their friends” or we wish to avoid “nagging” or starting an argument with our children. This is a mistake—the drug landscape has changed and taking action may be the difference between life and death.
*Parents and caregivers should consistently strive for the following:
*Adapted in part from the
According to the DEA and a host of other experts, our country—particularly our youth—are at grave risk from illegal drugs coming across our borders. Steady vigilance is the only chance we have to protect ourselves and our loved ones from a life of addiction—or even death—the numbers in recent years tell a story that does not lie.
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, it is imperative that you ask for help in the form of addiction treatment. People who have dedicated their lives to treating addiction can help you. The clock is indeed ticking, and every day that goes by without you taking action puts you squarely in the crosshairs of the greatest threat our nation has ever faced. There is hope. Ask for help.
The purpose of the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (“CEAP”) funded from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (“LIHEAP”) grant is to maintain an
energy supply to heat and cool the residences of eligible low-income clients.
The Energy Services provider, (or “Vendor,”) agrees to honor the purpose of the CEAP grant and to accept pledges of payment from CEAP agencies only for certified customers to whom Vendor continues to provide energy services. The Energy Assistance Provider, (or “Agency”,) agrees to make payments only for eligible low-income clients.
This vendor agreement is by and between
Community Services of Northeast Texas, Inc.
Energy Assistance Provider (Agency)
City of Bogata, Texas
Vendor and Agency agree to assist customers in the following Texas counties: Bowie, Cass, Camp, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Rains, Red River, and Titus
This agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of August 2021 for a period not to exceed two years from the effective date. Either party may terminate this agreement by written notice. Such written notice of termination shall not affect any obligation by either party incurred prior to the receipt of such notice. Notice shall be sent via certified mail with return receipt requested.
City of Bogata
P.O. Box 400
128 N Main
Bogata, Texas 75417
Community Services of Northeast Texas, Inc.
304 East Houston
P.O. Box 427
Linden, Texas 75563
The Agency named above represents and warrants to Vendor that it is a subrecipient of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) and as such is authorized and has received funding from the TDHCA to provide bill payment assistance service for eligible low-income households.
The Vendor named above represents and warrants that it will apply any payments received from Agency to the account of the customer that the Agency has determined to be eligible under the CEAP guidelines and such is a “Certified Customer”.
Vendor will, with reference to a Certified Customer:
• Extend the CEAP applicant’s energy service for up to five business days while the Agency determines whether the CEAP applicant is eligible pursuant to the CEAP guidelines.
• Upon accepting pledge from Agency for Certified Customer, continue or restore energy service to Certified Customer with no increases in charges, service charges or other charges affecting the total cost of the bill, except as allowed by the stated tariff cost registered with the Public Utility Commission “PUC” and/or Texas Railroad Commission.
• In the event the full past due balance is not paid by the Agency, the Certified Customer must pay the remaining balance on or before the disconnect date stated in the customer’s Disconnect Notice required by PUC regulations in order to avoid disconnection or be eligible for reconnection. Nothing in this agreement requires the Vendor to reconnect the customer upon receipt of a pledge that does not cover the full past due balance or if the customer has already been disconnected by the time the pledge is received by the Vendor.
• Invoice the Certified Customer in accordance with Vendor’s normal billing practices.
• Upon verbal or written request from Agency, provide at no cost to the Agency the Certified Customer’s billing and usage history for previous twelve months, or available history plus monthly estimates if less than twelve months of billing history and usage is available. Vendor will transmit such billing history via electronic mail or facsimile as soon as possible, but no later than forty-eight hours following the request.
• Work with Agency and Certified Customer to explore the feasibility of offering flexible payment arrangements that may include, without limitation, waiving security deposits,
reconnect fees, application fees, and all other fees whenever possible.
• Not discriminate against Certified Customer in price or services, including the availability of deferred payment plans, level or average payment plans, discount, budget, advance payment or other credit plans.
• Not refuse to provide energy service or otherwise discriminate in the marketing and provision of energy service to any Certified Customer because of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, lawful source of income, level of income, disability, financial status, location of customer in an economically distressed geographic area, or qualification for low-income or energy-efficiency services.
• Allow Agency forty-five days from the date of the pledge to forward payment to the vendor. Vendor agrees not to consider the portion of the Certified Customer’s account to be paid by the Agency delinquent if said payment is received within the above mentioned forty-five-day period and Vendor is provided with a verbal or signed pledge from the Agency within forty-five days of identifying a Certified Customer.
• Not interrupt service if Certified Customer is eligible under PUC regulations and enters into an agreement with the Vendor concerning how the Certified Customer will pay the balance owed Vendor and the Certified Customer is meeting the obligation under such agreement.
• If the Agency has paid for an initial deposit or similar refund instrument, upon the termination of service to the Certified Customer, the Vendor shall return funds including interest (after any balances owed) to the Agency in accordance with PUC regulations.
The Agency will:
• Obtain written permission for Agency to request and have access to customer information, including confidential or personal account information, credit and payment history, from customers seeking Agency’s assistance. Social Security numbers are not required for the CEAP program and may not be disclosed to Agency.
• Provide to Vendor, at Vendor’s request, customer’s written permission for Agency’s access to customer information as stated above.
• Not provide pledges on behalf of a Certified Customer to Vendor without having adequate funds to pay such pledge.
• Pay pledges within forty-five days of making pledge to Vendor.
• Determine if a customer is a Certified Customer within five days of contacting Vendor.
• Provide Vendor a list of names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of Agency staff designated to make pledges on behalf of the Agency and Certified Clients, if requested from Vendor.
The terms of any confidential transaction under this agreement or any other information exchanged by the Agency and Vendor relating to any transaction shall not be disclosed to any person not employed or retained by the Agency or Vendor, their affiliates, or brokers, except to the extent disclosure is 1) required by law; 2) necessary to disclose to the other party in connection with a dispute between the parties; 3) otherwise permitted by written consent of the other party; 4) required by guarantors to be disclosed; 5) information which must be disclosed to a third party to transmit energy; 6) to meet reliability council, regulatory, administrative, judicial, governmental, or regulated commodity exchange requirements where necessary; or 7) of information which was or is hereafter in the public domain (except by breach of this Agreement).
Authorized Vendor Signature Date
Larry Hinsley ___________________________________________Mayor
Typed Name of Authorized Signature Title
Vendor (Area Code) Telephone Number
Vendor Email Address
Authorized Agency Signature Date
Dan Boyd, CCAP NCRT Executive Director
Typed Name of Authorized Signature Title
903-756-5596 ext # 200
Agency (Area Code) Telephone Number
EDITED: 3/28/2023
January 2 – New Year’s Holiday – City Offices CLOSED
January 9 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
February 13 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
March 13 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
April 3 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
May 6 – City Elections and City-Wide Garage Sale
May – 8 - 9 City Wide Clean-up
May 15 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
May 29 – MEMORIAL DAY – City offices CLOSED.
June 5 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
June 22, 23, 24 - Bogata Rodeo
July 3 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
July 4 -INDEPENDENCE DAY – City offices CLOSED.
July 31 - Budget Workshop - 6:00 pm @ City Hall.
August 7 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
Aug 14 - Budget Workshop - 6:00 pm @ City Hall
Aug 21 – Budget Workshop – 6:00 pm @ City Hall
Aug 28 – Budget Workshop – 6:00 pm @ City Hall
September 4 – LABOR DAY – City offices CLOSED.
September 11 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
September 18 – Budget Workshop – 6:00 pm @ City Hall
September 25 – Public Hearing and Budget Adoption and filing 6:00 pm @ Com Center.
October 2 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
October 7 City-Wide Garage Sale
October 11 – 12 City-Wide Clean-up
November 6- City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center.
November 23 – Thanksgiving Holiday – City offices CLOSED.
December 4 - City Council Meeting 7:00 pm @ Community Center
December 25 – 26 – Christmas Holiday – City offices CLOSED.